Saturday, November 26, 2011

Waste. of. Time. Or is it ?


What is a waste of time? Is it logical to think that something in the present is a waste of time just because the future doesn't seem bright or may not work in your favor? Is it still considered wasting time if the present moments that you are potentially wasting time with are some of the best moments of your life? What matters more, The exact moment or the future? How do you stop over analyzing when there's always something to analyze?

♥ Christa Elise Graziano

Careless in the Club

Saw something interesting tonight at work. I was working in the Voodou Room (hip hop club) inside Mangos. There was this group of 5 people. They def weren't from the US. Polish or something. I dunno. But in the middle of the club (hip hop crowd) they were dancing wildly off beat. Jumping and gyrating and spinning, all while playing with this imaginary basketball. Yes, in the middle of the club. A basketball. Well, I think. I couldn't see it of course, but they were dribbling it and shooting it and spinning it on their fingers. Passing it back and forth. All things you'd do with a basketball. Waka Flocka is in the background screaming bout going hard in the mutha fuckin paint and these 5 friends are in La La land having the time of their lives. They didn't have a single care in thee world. People were staring and laughing, but it didn't phase them. They never once stepped out of their world or snapped out of character. Then again, they weren't acting. They were living.

This went on for AT LEAST an hour. The same game. Passing the ball from person to person. Whoever caught it performed some neat trick or some funky dance move and then found an interesting way to pass it to the next person. Part of me wondered if they were on some sort of drug that causes hallucinations. What did they see? From the outside looking in they looked crazy, but the way they were so deep in their zone I think they really weren't there. Like they were THERE, but not THERE.. you get me?

I stared at them for a long time and was fascinated. I even tried to jump in their circle and catch the ball. They never passed it to me though. They didn't even acknowledge me. I honestly don't think they SAW me. They were that DEEP into their world. Anyways, it really made me think. How many of us have moments as carefree as they were having? How many of us let loose and break free? Free from awareness, free from judgement (of self and others)? Oblivious to our surroundings and who's watching or what they are thinking. How many of us actually live wholeheartedly in the moment? How many of us can genuinely say we do what makes US happy, regardless of anyone else's influence/scrutiny? Def gives us all something to think about. People laughed, but I was impressed. They were in a place I hope to one day be.

♥ Christa Elise Graziano

Monday, November 7, 2011

Stable yet Stationary

I woke up this morning determined to be productive. I was literally chanting (in my head) "I CAN SLEEP WHEN I'M DEAD, I CAN SLEEP WHEN I'M DEAD." I must have died.. twice... because I fell back asleep two more times before I finally (officially) woke up.

I'm at this strange point in my life. I'm on my own, I'm alone and I have not a clue as to where I want to end up. My attention span is at an all time low. I feel like I don't even know what I like anymore. One day I love something, the next day I'm disgusted. Since I've moved to Miami I've been trying to come up with a plan. All I need is a few short term goals that pave a path towards a long term goal. Sounds easy, right ? Not for me.

I've become more antisocial than ever. I rarely leave my house unless I'm going to work. I will hardly ever pick up my phone. My moods are soo up and down.. Lately the lows last longer. I'm super quiet and isolated. Its texting, tweeting, youtube and reading. Not all bad, but all the time? My to do list seems soo tough to tackle..I must get out of this hole !

On the Contrary, I'm pretty stable right now.. Maybe not mentally, but financially I guess. This is the longest I've been at one job. I pay my own bills. I don't ask anybody for shit other than advice or some motivation. I'm paying off school debt (I plan to go back soon, I think), Help my family out the best I can, I'm paying off old credit cards, old debt from old banks that's in collections.. Just fixing my past careless mistakes. I'm not doing BAD, I just feel like I'm under achieving. Reason being, I don't have a PLAN. Just wish my mind would fixate on something.. even half of something.

As low as I feel these days I know its just a means of preparation and planning for what is soon to come. Both mentally and physically. I've always been an over acheiver, Its only a matter of time before a light bulb goes off in my head and I can attack the idea full force.


♥ Christa Elise Graziano

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Disruption of positivity.

Written September 9, 2010.

If I could go back in time I would be a better big sister. I would be the support my older brother thought he never needed. I would have been a parent to my parents. I wouldn't have ignored the things that scared, angered and hurt me. You should never wait to make a difference in someones life. Looking back and having regrets is a terrible feeling. My motivation came from a fear of being sucked in, but along the way I abandoned those that should have made it out with me. In time they fell deeper and deeper while I continued to slowly climb higher. The worse it got, the more focused I became. It's so overwhelming to be one person trying to help the world. MY WORLD. My family. Chasing dreams to one day help, but will it be too late? The tears will never stop. Time cant be replaced. Play catch up all you want but you can never go back. UP is a good place to go but what if you want to go back DOWN? To start over. To say NO instead of YES. Go RIGHT istead of LEFT. && vice versa. Not at all for my benefit. For theirs ♥

Crying is a temporary fix. Makes me feel better, until the next breakdown.

I cant write anymore. My life WILL be a book or movie one day. Cant reveal everything.


Written January 25, 2011.

Living in my head.
Detached from the outside.
I'm here, but im not... Does that even make sense?
Silence can be deafening, while thoughts can be chaos.
Yet still...
Odds stacked so high. Regardless, I climb.
Must make it out, I HAVE to survive.
Known, but so alone. Skeptical, but so brave.
No turning back...
Big Obstacles. Bigger Dreams.
Paradise? Not what it seems.
Step by step. Day by day.
Searching for myself. Staying above water.

Positivity? Check. Morals? Still the same. Integrity? INTACT.

I'm makin it.

Most Wanted.

I wrote this January 27, 2011. Just wanted to post it.

New details released in arrest of one of Lee County's most wanted.

The headline hurts my stomach.

I have always been one to be able to see both sides of situations and arguments.

His picture is horrible, but what can you expect after a highspeed chase/wreck/k-9 chase?
His criminal record is far from clean, but who knows his struggle?

The man in the article is family. He is the father to my nieces. My sister's bf of many years. I do not agree with or condone the things that he does AT ALL, but those things that he does have provided for my sister, nieces, my mom and even MYSELF.

While one of Lee County's most wanted was finally caught, 2 of Lee county's children lost their father. They lost the person who kept their stomachs full and kept clothes on their back. That puts strain on my grandmother and I, to provide for 2 babies who's parents (yes BOTH) are behind bars.

Its so sad to see someone so young destroying their life. You scroll down his rap sheet and create this character in your mind. He's labeled as an animal..a thug.. But they don't know the person I know. Someone commented the article and said

"just another waste of space and oxygen."

It breaks my heart. Not just because he is the father to my nieces. Unfortunately it took a personal incident for me to speak out on it, but this world is so quick to judge. Do you ever sit back and think about what made people turn into the person they are now?

Growing up in a FUCKED up household, I speak from experience. If your mind is not super strong you wont make it. If you don't have an escape, something you can look forward to every day you won't make it. If you don't have FAITH in better days, If you dont have some sort of love or support, YOU WONT MAKE IT. You will become another statistic.

I was lucky to make it out. My 19 year old sister was shot 13 times in November and is now locked up. My 24 year old brother is serving 10 years in prison. My half brother is serving 25 years in prison. My dad is locked up. My mother is a recovering drug addict. The things that went on in my household were not normal.. but it was my reality.

I'm not quite sure where I'm going with all this. I was just in the mood to write. I guess right now all I'm trying to say is

1. Don't be so quick to judge ANYBODY. You do NOT know where they come from or what they've been thru.
2. "For every action there is an equal and opposite REaction." Just know that your decisions affect others as well.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011


Wayne did it again. Enjoy !

Red Flags.

Story of my South Beach life.

Behind the Scenes of "HUSTLE HARD remix"

Here is never before seen footage from the Behind the Scenes of HUSTLE HARD remix!

S/o to:
@Derick_g for directing
@ADBCdesign for the BTS filming
@mrjasonbassett for BTS editing



Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Coach Pam Quintier

Reading this hits me soooo hard in my gut. Pam Quintier (Coach P) was my competitive cheerleading coach throughout high school. I made the team my first time auditioning, but soon after was involved in a huge incident and was consequently sent to an alternative school. Upon release from the school I wanted to get back on the cheer team, but administrators didn't want to give me that privilege. P fought with them and got me a place back on the time. It literally changed my life. It took me off the troubled path I was on and gave me something positive to focus on.

Here is the letter:

"I remember my senior year I wanted to stand up and speak at the banquet but I wasn't brave enough. In the 4 years since graduating I planned on writing you a letter. I even started to write a couple of times, but never got around to finishing.
They say, "Dont put off until tomorrow, what you can do today" Soooo, now it is time :)

Coach P,

Years later I look back and realize exactly HOW much of an impact you have made on me and my life. You gave me a second chance when others looked down on me. You saw my potential and brought out a drive in me SO strong, I didnt even know it existed. I wanted so bad to prove that I wasn't who I was labled as. I had taken a few steps in the wrong direction, but you quickly helped me back onto the right track.
I can honestly say cheerleading changed my life. Becoming a Riverdale Varsity Cheerleader gave me an escape from my reality at home. It consumed most of my time and energy which kept me out of trouble and away from those who caused it. It gave me a second family and support and love that I needed.
From day one I was learning what I now understand. I had to face fears and build strength and stamina. Teamwork meant responsibility and taught me the importance of loyalty and dedication. I learned how to take constructive critism and grow from it. As a captain I portrayed leadership. Practice and persistance makes damn near perfect and hardwork without a doubt, pays off. Consequences kept me disciplined while winning kept me motivated. Your fathers faith was contagious. I will NEVER forget "You catch what you fish for" !!
Being apart of such a well known dynasty taught me to be confident enough to succeed, but humble enough to appreciate the victory. I learned good sportsmanship, how to always walk with my head held high and to always carry myself with class.

P, YOU have made me a fair competitor, a winner, a grand champion and most of all, you are a huge part of the woman I am today. These characteristics and qualities you developed in me have helped in almost everything that I do, and I know they will last a lifetime. For that, I thank you.

As I reflect on my life and family at this point, I am and will be forever grateful for the second chance you gave me. Without the faith you had in me, who knows how things would have ended up.

I wish so bad I can scream at you to take a motrin and suck it up ;) If only it were that easy, huh? Just keep being the strong woman that we all know you as. If anyone can fight thru this, YOU can!! I will not stop praying and you should never ever lose faith. Keep holding on P. I love you and appreciate you more than you know."

On November 4, 2010 P passed away. It was the same day my little sister was shot 13 times. Crazy, huh? I went back home and attended the funeral and was so surprised when the pastor pulled out my letter and read it out loud during the service! Pams family members told me that they read it to her while she was still alive. She is one of the strongest most determined people I have ever come across. I probably wouldn't be who I am and where I'm at today had it not been for the second chance she gave me <3

Elite Xl & Resque Films

Just felt like featuring two very good friends of mine !! Dwight and Reggie make up Photography/Video services @Elitexl and @resquefilms. I have worked with these two several times and have developed a personal friendship with them. Dwight and Reggie are a very versatile team able to capture fashion/commercial/glamour images as well as film, video and motion graphics. They will make sure you have fun during your shoot, while maintaining their professionalism. If you haven't already worked with them, I Highly recommend that you do!

Here are a few pics from shoots and fun nights with Dwight and Reggie

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Beautiful Disaster.

I will admit that my views on LOVE are a bit corrupt. After my first relationship I found it tough to allow myself to be that vulnerable again. I'm the type who will expect almost nothing as a defense mechanism.. so that I won't end up disappointed. I never thought I was opposed to it, but I guess didn't necessarily welcome it with open arms either. In my eyes, I felt nothing lasts forever, people will always fall out of love, humans aren't made to be monogamous therefore, they're NOT (stay tuned for an entire blog about that) and there isn't a single thing GOOD about saying GOODBYE. I'm at a point in my life where I'm trying to figure out my future, chase dreams and meet my own goals, Live life, save money, invest money, pay off debt, maintain a steady balance on my feet. I'm trying to survive on my own, while also doing my best to help take care of my family. Adding a relationship into all that is not exactly realistic. I can't give 100 percent to one without slacking on the other. Plus there is a lack of potentials on south beach. So yeah. ANYWAYS I started writing this blog with an intention on telling a long story about a situation I was just in, but decided I don't want to do that anymore. So to wrap it up and make a long story short I will say that the big cement wall that was around my heart is not there anymore! Although that bitch should be back up and never ever let down again, I'm not going to do that. I learned a lot in a months time. I am heartbroken, but time heals all. The fact that my eyes and mind are now open makes it all worthwhile. For the first time in a while I took a chance and made decisions like an adult. I didn't run, I accepted it and went with the flow. Granted I still over analyzed a bit, because..well, that just what I do, lol. Was it scary? Very. Risky? Hell yeah. Painful? you have NO idea...but it was BEAUTIFUL. It was so pure, so raw, such innocent... emotion. (Guess there is a slight wall up since I still wont say the L word.) While I cant vouch for today, I CAN for those moments.. and during that time, there was no denying the energy. One of my twitter followers told me "Regret is a wasted emotion." I repeated it in my head several times. Wow. How true. So I have no regrets because what I got out of it is something I could only get from the experience. I felt something that I forgot even existed and met a few of the sweetest, funniest most beautiful spirited people who all left a permanent impression in my heart. The good and the bad are BOTH blessings.

"Im gonna smile because I deserve to. It'll all get better in time." ♥ Leona Lewis

Ft Myers

Last week I finally went home to Ft Myers to visit. Was my first time back since my sisters incident in November 2010. I saw some of my best friends and spent time with my nieces, grandma and mom. It felt good to be back, but it wasn't the same without my brother/sister/dad there. I was slightly depressed, but tried to make the best of it =) I went out Thursday night with my girls to help Mike (Dj Showtime) celebrate his birthday. I was

Reunited with my Brother's Daughters Trinity & Kyndra!

Kyndra and I. She looks like me, huh?

Mommy ♥

Janellie and I being crazy on webcam =) 6 years strong

One of my best friends Tip and I ! 8 years strong

With Tip, Michelle and Tia. Michelle and I go back 10 years

Dj Quest !

Birthday Boy !

International Baby!

If you didn't know, I do more than Young Money videos ;) You can spot my face on televisions all over the world! These 2 videos were filmed earlier this year and are getting thousands of internet views, radio plays and lots of tv time in Paris, Cuba and other places around the globe!

Here I am in Cuban artist El Mola's "No Llamas mas" video

This is a silly, but fun video for French Group Collectif Métissé's "Laisse Tomber Tes Problèmes "


Yup, I survived PLANKING. Some aren't so lucky. Planking has become an internet craze. It's a "laying down game" where you lie face down with your hands touching your sides in an unusual place. The point is to take a picture of it and post it on the internet. The more creative place you plank, the better! Unfortunately, some are going all out and risking their own safety in order to get the best plank. A 20 year old in Australia fell 7 stories to his death while attempting to plank on his balcony railing. I participated in the game and took several planking pictures. After busting my ass while attempting a drunk plank at King of Diamonds, I have officially retired. My advice to others..? Dont plank under the influence and DON"T risk your life for a stupid picture!

New Headshots !

So I finally got professional actors headshots. I shot with Lynn Parks. It was such a fun shoot! Her and I worked together for the 2011 Mangos Tropical Cafe Calendar so when It came time for headshots I knew I wanted her to be the one to shoot them. There are so many mature sexy pictures of me out there, I went for at least one real young, innocent look. This is what we came up with! You like ?

Monday, June 13, 2011

H-TOWN PSA for Domestic Violence

I have to share this, since I can somewhat relate.

According to The National Coalition Against Domestic Violence One in every four women will experience domestic violence in her lifetime.

Domestic Violence should NOT be tolerated. If you or someone you know is involved in an abusive relationship you can seek Anonymous and Confidential Help 24/7:
1.800.799.SAFE (7233) 1.800.787.3224 (TTY)

Listen to and share this song by my friends of R&B group H-TOWN.


"You're hoping that change would come, you're picturing a brighter day, you love him with all your heart, but your mind begins to change..."

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Kodak Pitbull commercial

Earlier in 2010 I was apart of a Kodak commercial featuring Pit Bull. It was my very first SAG job, so I was excited =) You can't see me in the actual commercial, but I just saw this video of the behind the scenes with DJ Laz and thought it was cool!

Sunday, May 29, 2011

My world !

A childhood friend tagged me in this pic on FB of my brother and my niece Kyndra. My first time seeing it ! He is on year 5 of a 10 year prison sentence. Halfway there ♥

Despite the wrong path he took, my brother is an amazing and very intellectual person. He looked out for me like no other while we were growing up. I miss the days when people wouldn't DARE fuck with me.. Because "my brother's crazy" . He was sooo strict on me and used to beat my ass [lmao] but looking back, I understand why. He helped create the woman I am today. Even If I could, I wouldn't change a thing !

My niece Kyndra is turning 5 this year. .. She is a ball of ENERGY! My brother was already in prison when Kyndra was born, so she only knows him through visitation, but if you could witness the chemistry they have, you would NEVER guess.

I can't wait till the day my brother is free, so I can have him back, and Kyndra can get to the know her daddy in the real world.

♥ Christa Elise Graziano

Memory Lane. Money to Blow.

I was on and came across a recent post of his, "Blackberry moments that made me smile" ... Finding a picture of myself on there took me by surprise and made ME smile.
This picture was on set of Drake, Birdman and LiL Wayne "MONEY TO BLOW" music video. Only my 2nd big video. The saying "A picture is worth a thousand words" could not be more true. Anyone who knows me knows my body is so in tune with my emotions. The goosebumps, butterflies.. This pic hit me in my gut. Took me back to that time period. It was the start. I was on the high of my life on that set. I will never ever forget how I felt when I saw the video for the first time. It amazes me how fast time flies.

I ran into Drake a couple days ago and he told me It makes him so happy to see me because I remind him of that period of his life. [The Money to Blow days]

For us both it somewhat symbolizes the BEGINNING. Imagine that.

♥ Christa Elise Graziano

EXCLUSIVE! - Interview w/ @nicoleDMV

S/O to @NicoleDMV for this video interview! Subscribe to her youtube channel and Follow her on Twitter

♥ Christa Elise Graziano

Saturday, May 28, 2011


Meet The Weeknd. @Justmissparis put me on, and I'm putting you on. LOVE this guys music. He's like a sensual, smoother version of Drake. He's signed under Drake and also from Toronto. Check him out, you wont be disappointed !

Download his mix-tape
"House of Balloons" here -
Follow him on twitter @theweekndxo

♥ Christa Elise Graziano

Friday, May 27, 2011

Quick fill in ...

Life is a beach, I'm just playing in the [South Beach] sand.

Over a YEAR since the last time I wrote, so let me fill you in !

I am still working at MANGOS! How's that for stability ?? haha. I have a new roommate.. or 2.. or 3. Lmao. DON'T ASK. My love life is damn near NON existent. I have come to the conclusion that Total Package men do no exist on South Beach. Not that I'm LOOKING... There will be a guy you are passionate with who has your heart, a guy who wines and dines you, a guy you can talk to and just chill with, and a few guys you don't really care for but gives you the attention that the others don't.

I've done a couple music videos, went to many castings, dropped out of college, almost fell into an undercover porn scam, tanned in a G string, fell off a jet ski, partied on a yacht, drank till I threw up, argued with people, chilled with celebrities/athletes, became one with "THE SECRET", saved lots of money, been taken advantage of, lowered my standards, been solicited for sex, been solicited to recruit women for pimps, been hit on by women, got attacked by bed bugs and been really sick. I've cried hard, laughed even harder, blew a lot of money, gotten butterflies, been disgusted, been amazed and witnessed history. Ive hurt some feelings, created a million smiles, gotten goosebumps, prayed to god, had evil satanic thoughts, grew my nails long, sacrificed, thought I was crazy, fell into depression, been high off life, had an adrenaline rush, had my heart broken and conversed with people from all over the world.

South Beach has been one hell of an experience. Its not paradise like everyone thinks it is, but I've been here 16 months so I guess it can't be toooo bad. I've become aware of the strength of my mind, adapted to this crazy environment and stayed as focused as possible. Through all the craziness on this island my dignity remains intact and I still have the same morals I came with. I live super modestly and have sacrificed much, but out here I am FREE. Financially free, stress free (for the most part), emotionally free, spiritually free. I AM FREE.

I still don't know what I want to be when I grow up, but for an indecisive girl like me who can't come up with an ultimate goal, I feel like I'm doing damn good.

Some of the things I have done, I still can't believe. So much to tell, I don't even know where to start. Stay Tuned!

♥ Christa Elise Graziano

Reunited !

So much has happened since my last blog post in January 2010! I have been here on south beach for almost a year and half. Some things I can write about, some I cannot. Some names I may mention, most I probably wont.

I forgot about my blog, until I saw a link to someone else's and I signed in thru my gmail and was reunited with it =) only 2 entries deep, but nevertheless, still here. I cant wait to start writing.

Its 7:25 am and I haven't been to sleep yet, but now that I live on South Beach, thats not a rare thing for me.

♥ Christa Elise Graziano

PS- I broke my phone today.