Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Coach Pam Quintier

Reading this hits me soooo hard in my gut. Pam Quintier (Coach P) was my competitive cheerleading coach throughout high school. I made the team my first time auditioning, but soon after was involved in a huge incident and was consequently sent to an alternative school. Upon release from the school I wanted to get back on the cheer team, but administrators didn't want to give me that privilege. P fought with them and got me a place back on the time. It literally changed my life. It took me off the troubled path I was on and gave me something positive to focus on.

Here is the letter:

"I remember my senior year I wanted to stand up and speak at the banquet but I wasn't brave enough. In the 4 years since graduating I planned on writing you a letter. I even started to write a couple of times, but never got around to finishing.
They say, "Dont put off until tomorrow, what you can do today" Soooo, now it is time :)

Coach P,

Years later I look back and realize exactly HOW much of an impact you have made on me and my life. You gave me a second chance when others looked down on me. You saw my potential and brought out a drive in me SO strong, I didnt even know it existed. I wanted so bad to prove that I wasn't who I was labled as. I had taken a few steps in the wrong direction, but you quickly helped me back onto the right track.
I can honestly say cheerleading changed my life. Becoming a Riverdale Varsity Cheerleader gave me an escape from my reality at home. It consumed most of my time and energy which kept me out of trouble and away from those who caused it. It gave me a second family and support and love that I needed.
From day one I was learning what I now understand. I had to face fears and build strength and stamina. Teamwork meant responsibility and taught me the importance of loyalty and dedication. I learned how to take constructive critism and grow from it. As a captain I portrayed leadership. Practice and persistance makes damn near perfect and hardwork without a doubt, pays off. Consequences kept me disciplined while winning kept me motivated. Your fathers faith was contagious. I will NEVER forget "You catch what you fish for" !!
Being apart of such a well known dynasty taught me to be confident enough to succeed, but humble enough to appreciate the victory. I learned good sportsmanship, how to always walk with my head held high and to always carry myself with class.

P, YOU have made me a fair competitor, a winner, a grand champion and most of all, you are a huge part of the woman I am today. These characteristics and qualities you developed in me have helped in almost everything that I do, and I know they will last a lifetime. For that, I thank you.

As I reflect on my life and family at this point, I am and will be forever grateful for the second chance you gave me. Without the faith you had in me, who knows how things would have ended up.

I wish so bad I can scream at you to take a motrin and suck it up ;) If only it were that easy, huh? Just keep being the strong woman that we all know you as. If anyone can fight thru this, YOU can!! I will not stop praying and you should never ever lose faith. Keep holding on P. I love you and appreciate you more than you know."

On November 4, 2010 P passed away. It was the same day my little sister was shot 13 times. Crazy, huh? I went back home and attended the funeral and was so surprised when the pastor pulled out my letter and read it out loud during the service! Pams family members told me that they read it to her while she was still alive. She is one of the strongest most determined people I have ever come across. I probably wouldn't be who I am and where I'm at today had it not been for the second chance she gave me <3

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