Saturday, July 23, 2011

Most Wanted.

I wrote this January 27, 2011. Just wanted to post it.

New details released in arrest of one of Lee County's most wanted.

The headline hurts my stomach.

I have always been one to be able to see both sides of situations and arguments.

His picture is horrible, but what can you expect after a highspeed chase/wreck/k-9 chase?
His criminal record is far from clean, but who knows his struggle?

The man in the article is family. He is the father to my nieces. My sister's bf of many years. I do not agree with or condone the things that he does AT ALL, but those things that he does have provided for my sister, nieces, my mom and even MYSELF.

While one of Lee County's most wanted was finally caught, 2 of Lee county's children lost their father. They lost the person who kept their stomachs full and kept clothes on their back. That puts strain on my grandmother and I, to provide for 2 babies who's parents (yes BOTH) are behind bars.

Its so sad to see someone so young destroying their life. You scroll down his rap sheet and create this character in your mind. He's labeled as an animal..a thug.. But they don't know the person I know. Someone commented the article and said

"just another waste of space and oxygen."

It breaks my heart. Not just because he is the father to my nieces. Unfortunately it took a personal incident for me to speak out on it, but this world is so quick to judge. Do you ever sit back and think about what made people turn into the person they are now?

Growing up in a FUCKED up household, I speak from experience. If your mind is not super strong you wont make it. If you don't have an escape, something you can look forward to every day you won't make it. If you don't have FAITH in better days, If you dont have some sort of love or support, YOU WONT MAKE IT. You will become another statistic.

I was lucky to make it out. My 19 year old sister was shot 13 times in November and is now locked up. My 24 year old brother is serving 10 years in prison. My half brother is serving 25 years in prison. My dad is locked up. My mother is a recovering drug addict. The things that went on in my household were not normal.. but it was my reality.

I'm not quite sure where I'm going with all this. I was just in the mood to write. I guess right now all I'm trying to say is

1. Don't be so quick to judge ANYBODY. You do NOT know where they come from or what they've been thru.
2. "For every action there is an equal and opposite REaction." Just know that your decisions affect others as well.

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