Sunday, May 29, 2011

My world !

A childhood friend tagged me in this pic on FB of my brother and my niece Kyndra. My first time seeing it ! He is on year 5 of a 10 year prison sentence. Halfway there ♥

Despite the wrong path he took, my brother is an amazing and very intellectual person. He looked out for me like no other while we were growing up. I miss the days when people wouldn't DARE fuck with me.. Because "my brother's crazy" . He was sooo strict on me and used to beat my ass [lmao] but looking back, I understand why. He helped create the woman I am today. Even If I could, I wouldn't change a thing !

My niece Kyndra is turning 5 this year. .. She is a ball of ENERGY! My brother was already in prison when Kyndra was born, so she only knows him through visitation, but if you could witness the chemistry they have, you would NEVER guess.

I can't wait till the day my brother is free, so I can have him back, and Kyndra can get to the know her daddy in the real world.

♥ Christa Elise Graziano

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