Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Big heart. Bad Kid.

Written several days ago. Just now posting.

Do you remember that one teacher/mentor/family friend/stranger who took the time to talk to you/put you in check/correct you/lecture you/yell at you? I think everyone has that moment. No matter how rebellious/cool you thought you were, there is SOMETHING that someone did or said that you remember to this day, and it changed your life.

Today at work something happened that really bothered me. I've been told I'm too nice too caring too soft etc my whole life so naturally I tried to help the situation, but I wasn't much help. A young kid walking by my job with a few friends grabbed one of the hostesses ass. She told the closest security guard. The group of guys were walking away and mixed in a crowd of people so the security flashed his light across the street at a group of officers. The hostess walked to catch up with the guys and pointed out which one it was. The police grabbed him, walked him across the street to where their cars were and eventually handcuffed him. I was confused. I asked "wait, he's going to jail?" I was told yes. I know how violating it can feel to have someone grab your ass and I completely agree that he is wrong, but JAIL ? I don't know if I feel so strongly about this because half of my family is incarcerated... or maybe because he's young kid (prob 19-22).. or it could very well be because I'm too nice, but either way I got really upset. I feel security should have stopped the kid, took him to the back, roughed him up a little bit, scared him, let the hostess get a good hit in (and in Christa's perfect world, security would TALK to him) then let him go about his day. Sometimes people need to be called on on their shit. Embarrassed. Questioned. Screamed at. They need to sweat.. have some fear evoked upon them.

I've always been able to think long term about certain things. I don't know how much damage a "grabbing a girls ass" (for lack of official terminology) charge can cause, but it only takes ONE mistake, one charge to mess up a lifetime. Jail could possibly teach this kid a lesson.. It would be a consequence to his action.. but Jail is so... expected. Can you call that a solution? True, every action has a reaction. Had they acted out my vision, it could have turned into an even worse siuation.. so Im not saying my solution is the greatest either.. I don't really even know what I'm saying. I just wish more people tried to genuinely HELP a situation, HELP solve problems, HELP fix whats wrong in this world. This kid most likely wasn't raised the best and clearly needs HELP. To me Jail isn't that answer. I just hope the kid DID learn his lesson.

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