Sunday, January 24, 2010

$$, telemundo, stripping && getting lost

I have a job...2 of them!!!

Not even 2 weeks since Ive been in miami and I have 2 jobs!! Im VERY excited and cant wait to start making $$ !! They are both on ocean drive. The first is BLT steakhouse where I will be hostessing. Did my drug test yesterday and just waiting on them to let me know when to come in.

The second job is at MANGOS where i will be waitressing/performing!! My first time visting mangos i told myself i would work there one day... Dreams do come true =) lol If you dont know what mangos is, google it. Very cool place. I have orientation on monday and will be trained and fitted for outfits and tested and dance practice soon. Cant wait!

Other than job hunting I havent been doing too much. Spent some time with Jerry the other day. We went house hunting for him and of course ATE =) we love food.

Telemundo Casting

I went to a casting for a show on telemundo. It was funny. I knew it was telemundo, but the casting was for dancers, not spanish speakers, so i went. I get there and before I could find the door on my own, some spanish guy told me IN SPANISH where it was. I told him I didnt speak spanish, so he told me in english. I find it, and go to sign in... umm... its in spanish.. Not bad, i just looked at how the person above me did it. Done. Sooo i go inside and they hand me form to fill out. All in spanish again. I had to have a guy translate it for me lol they were laughing. Done with paper work and go to the room where green screen and cameras are set up. Had to strip down to my bathing suit right in front of everyone!! Getting used to doing things like that but its still akward to me. I heard a "perfecto" come out of someones mouth.. swear to god.. lol..

Next I do the norm, stand on the X, take pictures, say my name blah blah.. Then one of the telemundo guys tells me he's gonna play different types of spanish music and I have to dance, smile, flirt with the camera etc. I warn him "I will probably dance the same to each kind of music!!" LMFAO!! They were laughing and said its ok. Soo he plays some mexican kinda music (really was mexican, he told me) so im all trying to be fun and sexy...? dunno how that worked out for me lol i felt retarded. Then he switched it up.. some reggaeton hip hop stuff.. That one arm went up in the air like "ayyyyyyy this my shit!" ahhaa.. i was gettin it!! Well, trying. Lmao. Thats bout it they said I did "very good." Still waiting on callback.

Interview and Getting lost

Ohh have to tell you bout my interview at mangos. Sitting down talking to the manager and of course he asks me can I dance. Im like "uhh yeah". So he gets up and is like ok lets see!! OMFG. Makes me dance in front of some people. They put on Flo Rida "get low" lol. It was sooo scary but I busted a move right then and there! One guy was like "goood like now go like this" and he starts gettin low and rollin and grindin lol (think he was the choreographer..?) its hard to just do things at the drop of a dime but guess when you dont have time to even get nervous its not so bad. Im proud of myself, guess i do know how to dance, it got me the job!!

When I was walking back to my car (which was parked in parking garage) some promoter kid named michael anthony (aka sonny...?) approached me trying to get me to his club. After all these horror stories of liquid X and Special K I think i'll passs. lol but he walked me to the entrance of the garage. I get off on second floor and I walk into a gym/spa thing.. ummmmm..?? This isss not the parking garage. They ppl at the desk were cracking up lol. They told me it was 1 floor up. Even tho i KNEW i parked on the 2nd level I went to the 3rd anyways. Long story short, I was in the wrong parking garage, had no idea how i managed to do that, or forget where the one i parked was at. Guess Michael Anthony distracted me. After walking for while I found it, by that time I was drenched in sweat it was soo humid.

Going out..kinda..

One of the first nights here an Industry Friend decided to welcome me and my roomies to their city and take us out. We ended up at the Delano. Line was pretty long and not moving, but after flashing their chain we were in there. LoL. Crazy how money really does talk. We had a few drinks, danced a lil. Went to eat and went home. Blahhh. It was fun.

I have been in touch with sean of scoop mag and look forward to working with him. Hopefully will be shooting soon!! (montoya its our time my boy!!) lol. cant wait for MQ to come back down. Few other people that I will be working with.

So far miami is treating me well ♥ I love my roomies, im learning to love their dog and overall I just feel very blessed.

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